Pick three.

Micah 6:8He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.    And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy    and to walk humbly with your God.1. We are reading texts on liberation theology in my Christian Traditions class. And I've been thinking about how there are people in our congregations and pulpits and blogospheres that stillContinue reading "Pick three."

5 Notes On Dating For Girls

A response. 1. A definition of intentional The intentional woman dates people she likes, people who respect her, and pursues people while being pursued by them. Expecting someone else to ask you out without giving any indication that you like them is asking someone to be creepy, forward and awkward. Your thought process should alwaysContinue reading "5 Notes On Dating For Girls"

Why Content is Purpose

Experienced: So this summer I am working at a Talent Science company (pre-employment assessment, coaching and development strategies, applicant tracking--the whole sha-bang!). I'm working on revamping their sales certification program which means lots of hanging out with charming salesmen (some with accents!), reading old training files (some also with accents, less charming) and writing aContinue reading "Why Content is Purpose"

Forgiveness is rolling

"Forgiveness is not a tidy grave, It is a ready loyal knight kneeling before your royal heart." -Andrea GibsonForgiveness is not Easter lilies growing ona burial ground. It is dirt flying,stones rolling,temples being torn in two.Souls erupting from the grounddark skiesGod tearing up all we've made,saying, "none of this lasts,"saying, "none of this lives,"Nothing we've made.So why doContinue reading "Forgiveness is rolling"

5 Reasons Why I am Rethinking Church

I recently read a post entitled:  Top Five Reasons Why I Am Not A Progressive MethodistI was drawn to it, because I am working with our Chaplain and two of my friends to start a covenant group and Bible study on campus that is rooted in a desire to repaint, rebuild and rethink the ChristianContinue reading "5 Reasons Why I am Rethinking Church"

Road Full of Promises

"I believed it couldn't matter what people felt. It mattered that this was what God wanted."This is a line from Megan Phelps-Roper's blog, her first social media activity since leaving Westboro Baptist Church. She tells a beautiful and heartbreaking story about faith and doubt and seeking truth for herself. She talks about reading and talking and discovering howContinue reading "Road Full of Promises"

Small Group Leading Like Jesus

I read through the Gospel of Matthew with the intention of finding a message specifically for youth small group leaders. Here's my top ten tips for small group leading like Jesus: 1. Don’t be distracted If Matthew 4, Satan tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread. Jesus responds, “It is written, One does not liveContinue reading "Small Group Leading Like Jesus"

Why Epiphanies are Better than Resolutions

Matthew 2:12---And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.This is the story of the Wisemen, and an often over-looked awesome moment of discernment that protected our Savior's life. This is the story that we recall on Epiphany each year, the first SundayContinue reading "Why Epiphanies are Better than Resolutions"

Why congregations have to invest more than money in youth ministry

1. Youth groups are microcosms of churches, not outreach/mission work. While a youth ministry can be a tool for outreach or ministry, reducing them to that expectation ignores that fact that youth are living, breathing members of the church, too. If you know the youth, you know a lot of the families, a lot ofContinue reading "Why congregations have to invest more than money in youth ministry"

If all you have is sunshine….

"Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come from miles to watch you burn." -John Wesley Since I've been home for winter break, I've had to answer a few vital questions for family members, church members, former teachers, and every other person I've come in contact with. There are the innocuous and friendly onesContinue reading "If all you have is sunshine…."