Pick three.

Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.

1. We are reading texts on liberation theology in my Christian Traditions class. And I’ve been thinking about how there are people in our congregations and pulpits and blogospheres that still think we can extend relentless mercy without questioning the structures that contribute to poverty and discrimination. There are people who think justice should be sought, but that it is not their calling. There are people that think God speaks of the same brand of justice that fines, imprisons, and executes. Making wrong things right is not a punishment, it is investigation and healing and restoration–mercy at the root.

2. There are people who question if our Church is a Church because a handful of people do exactly what the largest democratic institution in the world voted on them doing. We simplify our justice to fit neatly within US borders, but to fall outside the borders of the laws we have built around ourselves. True justice considers implications beyond a moment and understands that ministry comes from Grace and not resentment. Anger should be used as fuel for change, not as a lens for the disposition in how we engage one another. 

3. Humbleness is not born in passive aggressive conversation/prayer, in criticism at the fall of false hope, at dying on hills we have built from out of own too-small-understanding of God. It is thirsting for guidance and following passionately and gently to the place prepared for us. 

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